Does CBD Oil Lower Blood Pressure? Exploring the Potential Health Benefits

CBD oil lowers blood pressure | Justbob

Modified on: 05/01/2024

Among its many (supposed) beneficial effects, there is also that of reducing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, among the most frequent causes of death in the uk.

In recent years, cannabidiol (CBD) has aroused the interest of the scientific community due to its therapeutic potential.

In particular, some recent studies have highlighted its potential benefits in the treatment of arterial hypertension, which is a clinical condition characterized by high pressure in the arteries of the systemic circulation.

In pursuit of natural remedies, many are questioning, ‘does CBD oil lower blood pressure?’ Our exploration revolves around science-backed data, casting light on how CBD oil might play a role in managing your blood pressure and what that could mean for your overall health.

Here we review the most recent studies testing CBD-based products on humans for their impact on blood pressure.

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Understanding Blood Pressure

Blood pressure, or arterial blood pressure, is the force exerted by circulating blood against the walls of the arteries, a vital parameter of cardiovascular health. A healthy blood pressure reading for adults is less than 120/80 mmHg, a figure that does not raise blood pressure concerns. So, how does CBD oil factor into this equation?

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a non-psychoactive constituent of the cannabis plant, setting it apart from other compounds in the plant, and has been studied for its potential to help in blood pressure management. Research suggests that cannabidiol reduces blood pressure through its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system.

Overall health relies heavily on maintaining healthy blood pressure, given that both elevated and reduced blood pressure can trigger numerous health problems. It’s therefore important to understand these conditions before exploring how CBD may potentially contribute to managing them.

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Sedentary jobs are a cause of high blood pressure | Justbob

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a medical condition characterized by consistently elevated blood pressure. It can lead to existing cardiovascular disease if left untreated. Common indicators of this condition may encompass headaches, shortness of breath, and nosebleeds, which can be exacerbated during a mental stress test, showing an increased blood pressure response.

A healthy blood pressure reading falls within the range of 90/60 to 120/80. This measurement represents the systolic blood pressure over the diastolic blood pressure. Hypertension, therefore, would present as readings consistently above this range. Effective management of high blood pressure is vital in preventing cardiovascular disorders such as heart disease and stroke.

Several factors could contribute to hypertension, such as:

  • kidney disease
  • diabetes
  • long-term kidney infections
  • sleep apnea
  • stable coronary artery disease

But could CBD oil offer a natural solution for managing this condition? Let’s delve deeper.

Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)

Hypotension, or low blood pressure, is another condition that needs careful management. It can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Blurred or fading vision
  • Confusion
  • General weakness

These symptoms can be associated with cardiovascular disorders.

Low blood pressure can present significant dangers, particularly if symptoms occur in situations that could result in falls or other accidents. These symptoms can be influenced by cardiovascular parameters during mental stress. As such, it is highly advisable for individuals with preexisting low blood pressure to consult with a medical professional before considering the use of CBD, as it has the potential to impact blood pressure levels.

CBD Oil and Its Properties

CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant and is believed to offer therapeutic advantages without inducing a psychoactive effect, unlike its cousin compound, THC. This makes it potentially suitable for a range of medical uses, including the management of blood pressure.

Cannabinoids, including CBD, either bind to CB receptors or have a structural similarity to compounds that bind to these receptors. CBD is one such cannabinoid that has caught the attention of the medical community due to its potential health benefits.

One should be aware that CBD oil significantly differs from other cannabinoids, particularly THC, which is renowned for its psychoactive effects. So, let’s explore the non-psychoactive nature of CBD and how it impacts its use for medical purposes.

Non-Psychoactive Nature

For many, the non-psychoactive nature of CBD oil is its most attractive feature. Unlike THC, which is known for inducing a “high,” CBD does not alter one’s mental state. This could render it an appropriate option for therapeutic use, devoid of risks related to intoxication or impairment.

CBD’s non-psychoactive nature allows its use for medical purposes, possibly offering health benefits without causing intoxication or impacting the user’s cognitive state. This makes it an attractive option for those seeking natural remedies, including potentially for blood pressure management.

Indeed, CBD is obtained from the hemp variety of the cannabis sativa plant, which inherently contains lower levels of THC, thus rendering it non-psychoactive. This feature of CBD paves the way for its potential health benefits, one of which could be its effects on blood pressure.

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Potential Health Benefits

CBD is known for its potential health benefits, including:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anticonvulsant properties
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Anxiolytic properties
  • Anti-nausea properties
  • Antipsychotic properties

These properties could potentially help with pain relief, anxiety reduction, and overall well-being improvement. Its vast array of potential health benefits makes it an area of growing interest for researchers and healthcare practitioners alike.

In addition to these potential benefits, CBD is also being studied for its potential to help maintain balance between the body and mind, which could potentially contribute to overall well-being by possibly aiding in areas such as blood pressure regulation. This brings us to the crux of our discussion – the science behind CBD and blood pressure.

The Science Behind CBD and Blood Pressure

Studies suggest that CBD could potentially help reduce blood pressure, as observed decreases in resting blood pressure and blood pressure responses to various stress types have been reported after a single CBD dose. This makes CBD an area of interest for those looking for natural remedies for blood pressure management.

The study revealed that CBD treatment resulted in:

  • a reduction in diastolic blood pressure during exercise stress
  • an increase in heart rate
  • significant hemodynamic changes including lower systemic blood pressure and altered cardiovascular responses to stress.

While these findings inspire promise, a more profound understanding of the mechanisms by which CBD might impact blood pressure is essential. This leads us to the role of the endocannabinoid system in this process.

Endocannabinoid System’s Role

The endocannabinoid system (ECS), a crucial biological system in the body, regulates various bodily functions like:

  • appetite
  • digestion
  • metabolism
  • pain
  • inflammation
  • mood
  • learning

It also plays a role in regulating blood pressure and cardiovascular health, making it a crucial player in our discussion on CBD and blood pressure.

Endocannabinoids have been found to relax coronary and other arteries, reducing cardiac work, and are upregulated in cardiovascular disease states, which can influence disease progression. However, it’s worth noting that they don’t seem to be involved in the tonic regulation of cardiovascular function.

Studies have shown that cannabinoids can lower blood pressure in hypertensive rodents by reducing cardiac contractility. Moreover, there is evidence to indicate that short-term administration of endocannabinoids may have positive effects on blood pressure. However, the specific effects of CBD on the endocannabinoid system and blood pressure require further exploration, which brings us to the findings of research in this area.

Research Findings

Some evidence, including a 2005 study, indicates that CBD cannabis might have substantial hypotensive effects, potentially assisting in lowering blood pressure. The research employed a randomized crossover design, where participants received either CBD or a placebo in a double-blind fashion.

Stress tests were carried out to assess the impact of stressors on baseline blood pressure levels and heart rates following the administration of CBD or a placebo, offering valuable insights into the potential cardiovascular effects of CBD under stress. These tests also helped in understanding the cardiovascular parameters mental stress can influence.

While these initial findings show promise in CBD’s potential to reduce blood pressure, further research is necessary to conclusively determine its therapeutic role in treating cardiovascular disease. This leads us to an exploration of how CBD might help lower blood pressure.

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How CBD May Help Lower Blood Pressure

CBD might assist in reducing blood pressure through several key mechanisms. Research suggests that CBD may enhance vasorelaxation, leading to the relaxation of arterial walls and potential improvement in blood flow. However, its impact on resting blood pressure appears to be minimal.

In addition to its potential vasodilatory effects, CBD has also been shown to potentially reduce the blood pressure response to stress. A study involving healthy volunteers demonstrated a decrease in resting blood pressure and stress-induced blood pressure changes after the administration of CBD.

Finally, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system by potentially reducing the THC-induced increase of heart rate and decrease of pulse pressure and coronary blood flow, which may have an impact on the regulation of blood pressure. This brings us to a more in-depth look at the vasodilation effects of CBD.

Vasodilation Effects

Vasodilation is a physiological mechanism that leads to an increase in blood flow and a decrease in blood pressure. It involves the widening of blood vessels, which facilitates blood flow and contributes to the reduction of blood pressure. A 2020 study revealed that CBD might have vasodilatory effects, indicating a potential for improving blood flow by widening blood vessels.

Cannabinoids, including CBD, induce vasodilation in the body through various mechanisms, such as the activation of CB1 receptors, TRPV1 receptors, and nuclear receptors PPAR-γ. CBD also promotes the release of nitric oxide and reduces vascular inflammation.

Vasodilation plays a part in lowering blood pressure by enhancing blood flow and expanding blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure. However, CBD’s potential benefits are not limited to its vasodilation effects. Some other potential benefits of CBD include:

  • Reducing anxiety and stress
  • Alleviating pain and inflammation
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Supporting cardiovascular health
  • Promoting relaxation and calmness

These additional benefits make CBD a promising option for managing various health conditions.

Stress and Anxiety Reduction

CBD’s potential anxiolytic effects may also contribute to its potential utility in managing blood pressure. Stress can lead to temporary increases in blood pressure, and although anxiety does not directly cause chronic high blood pressure, it can result in temporary spikes in blood pressure during episodes of anxiety.

CBD may alleviate anxiety through various actions, such as:

  • Acting as an agonist at serotoninergic 5-HT1A receptors
  • Inhibiting the deactivation of the neurotransmitter AEA
  • Interacting with various molecular targets within the brain

By potentially reducing anxiety levels, CBD might indirectly contribute to blood pressure management.

Research indicates that CBD’s potential to alleviate anxiety disorders could have a significant impact on the relationship between CBD and blood pressure. Its anxiolytic properties may help in managing stress levels, which in turn could affect blood pressure.

With these potential benefits in mind, it’s important to choose the right CBD product for blood pressure management.

Choosing the Right CBD Product for Blood Pressure Management

Choosing the right product is essential when considering using CBD for blood pressure management. There are three main types of CBD flowers products to choose from:

  1. Full-spectrum CBD: This type encompasses a wide range of cannabinoids and compounds from the cannabis plant, with a maximum of 0.3% THC.
  2. Broad-spectrum CBD: This type comprises all the same compounds as full-spectrum CBD, except for THC.
  3. CBD isolates: These products exclusively contain CBD, without any other cannabinoids or plant compounds.

Verifying the quality and purity of CBD products for their safety and efficacy is also crucial. Clean Remedies maintains the quality of their ingredients, and a certificate of analysis provides third-party validation of the product’s safety and purity standards.

Apart from the CBD spectrum, factors such as the type of CBD product (like oil, gummies, topicals), its potency, and the reputation of the provider or manufacturer should also be considered while choosing a CBD product for blood pressure management. But how do the different CBD spectrums compare?

Full-Spectrum vs. Broad-Spectrum vs. CBD Isolate

Full-spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids and terpenes, including up to 0.3 percent THC. This wide spectrum of compounds may contribute to the “entourage effect,” a phenomenon believed to maximize the therapeutic potential of the hemp plant.

Broad-spectrum CBD includes all cannabinoids and terpenes except THC, making it a suitable option for those who wish to avoid THC entirely. The absence of THC in a broad-spectrum CBD product can be verified by reviewing the company’s third-party lab results.

Lastly, CBD isolate is pure CBD without any other cannabinoids or terpenes. It’s considered the most secure product to use if there are concerns about testing positive on a drug test.

With a clear understanding of the different types of CBD products, let’s move on to dosage considerations.

Dosage Considerations

Several considerations are needed to determine the appropriate dosage of CBD for blood pressure management. The initial recommended dosage of CBD for blood pressure management typically ranges from 10 to 40 mg per day, or 2.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg) twice daily.

When determining the CBD dosage for blood pressure management, it’s important to consider factors such as:

  • the individual’s conditions and symptoms
  • usage
  • administration method
  • weight

Tailoring the dose to the person’s specific circumstances and health profile is crucial for effective management.

The frequency for taking CBD to regulate blood pressure may vary for each individual. It’s advisable to seek guidance from a healthcare professional to customize the dosage and frequency based on individual requirements and medical circumstances.

Precautions and Consultation with a Medical Professional

Taking certain precautions is essential before using CBD for blood pressure management. One of the most crucial steps is to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any CBD regimen, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking medications.

CBD has the potential to interact with certain medications, posing risks. In particular, it can alter the blood concentration of blood pressure drugs, potentially resulting in unintended and hazardous side effects.

The use of CBD may lead to adverse effects including:

  • Hepatic abnormalities
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dry mouth
  • Low blood pressure
  • Signs of liver injury

This highlights the importance of consultation with a healthcare provider before using CBD for blood pressure management.

Drug Interactions

Using CBD in conjunction with other medications can potentially lead to drug interactions. Combining CBD oil with blood pressure medications can potentially lead to hypotension, syncope, and increased risk of falls as a result of interactions between CBD and the prescribed medications.

CBD is metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes, which play a critical role in the metabolism of numerous medications. CBD has the potential to function as a competitive inhibitor of these enzymes, thereby influencing the levels of other medications within the system.

Given these potential interactions, it’s crucial to discuss potential interactions with a healthcare professional before starting a CBD regimen for blood pressure management.

Monitoring Blood Pressure

It is vital to regularly monitor your blood pressure while using CBD to ensure it remains within a healthy range and to track any potential influence CBD may have on blood pressure levels. It’s advisable to measure blood pressure before and after using CBD oil in order to monitor its effects.

At present, smartphone applications are not capable of monitoring an individual’s blood pressure. Claims made by such applications can be detrimental as there is no substantiating evidence of their precision. As such, it’s important to use clinically validated methods for monitoring your blood pressure while using CBD for blood pressure management.


CBD oil, due to its potential therapeutic properties, has become a subject of interest for those looking for natural remedies for managing blood pressure. Research suggests that CBD may have potential in managing both high and low blood pressure through mechanisms such as vasodilation and anxiety reduction. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before using CBD, due to the potential for drug interactions and the need for careful dosage considerations. As with any potential therapeutic remedy, more research is needed to conclusively determine the efficacy of CBD for blood pressure management.

If you want to try excellent quality CBD oil, obtained with the most advanced technologies to guarantee the purity of the extracted product, enter our store where you can find a selection of our best products.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of CBD oil?

CBD oil is reported to provide relief from pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. Limited evidence from human studies is available to support these benefits, due to restrictions on cannabis research. Therefore, its effects should be carefully considered and discussed with a healthcare professional.

How can I lower my blood pressure normally?

You can lower your blood pressure naturally by maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active, eating a balanced diet, reducing salt intake, managing stress, and getting regular checkups. These lifestyle changes can make a significant difference in managing your blood pressure.

What is the difference between full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate products?

Full-spectrum CBD includes a variety of cannabinoids and compounds with up to 0.3% THC, while broad-spectrum CBD has the same compounds but no THC, and CBD isolates only contain CBD without any other cannabinoids or plant compounds.

What are the reasons for individuals to seek consultation from a medical professional prior to using CBD oil for blood pressure management?

Before using CBD oil for blood pressure management, it’s crucial to consult a medical professional to avoid any potential negative interactions with existing health conditions or medications.