JustBob Blog: news and curiosity from the CBD Flower world

Insight into cannabis Sativa: definition and origins

Modified on: 15/04/2024

In the following article, we will delve into the definition and origin of one of the most versatile and controversial plants in human history: Cannabis SativaDefinition: Native to Asia Minor, Cannabis (Linnaeus, 1753), indicated in Sanskrit by the terms bhanga, Vijaya and ganjika, in Hindi ganja, is a plant belonging to the genus Angiospermae and […]

Here's what hemp growers do when the trichomes don't ripen

Modified on: 12/09/2023

What should be done when the trichomes of cannabis plants do not ripen? Here is what cannabis growers do to identify problems and solve themHemp growers know how much work goes into a marijuana plant, from planted seeds to the flowering period. So, to avoid harvesting at the wrong time, they monitor the maturity of […]

The less famous active ingredients of cannabis

Modified on: 23/10/2023

Marijuana contains not only thc and cbd but also many other active ingredients: here are the main ones and their (known) effectsAlthough marijuana is most renowned for its THC (the active psychotropic) and CBD (present in high amounts in legal weed), it also has many other active ingredients with exciting properties.We are talking about the […]

The future of the green economy: hemp fuel

Modified on: 17/01/2024

Find out if biofuels extracted from hemp will soon become part of the energy sector or if the road to the finish line is still too longAs the years go by, there is a growing awareness that our planet is suffering.The entire global ecosystem is at risk. Global warming and the hole in the ozone […]

The main uses of cannabis resin

Modified on: 23/11/2023

Learn more about the resin obtained from marijuana: discover its main uses and how it is extractedWhen legal hemp plants reach full maturity, many trichomes begin to develop on the surface of their calyxes and the CBD flowers: they are responsible for resin production.The resin of cannabis is the sticky substance (resembling honey) that is […]

All the curiosities about hemp perfumes

Modified on: 30/10/2023

In the perfumery sector comes a novelty: hemp perfumes. Here are all the curiosities about these unique productsWho would have thought that CBD weed perfume would become the ingredient of some fragrances?Until a few years ago probably few people.Hemp and its unmistakable scent have always attracted disapproval glances. At the same time, however, there are […]

Amazon in favor of the legalization of cannabis in the United States

Modified on: 15/03/2024

Learn how Jeff Bezos’ Company Has Come Out in Favour of Legalising Recreational Cannabis and CBD Flowers in the United StatesWho would have thought that Amazon, the e-commerce giant, would also take a stand in favour of legalising and smoking/using cannabis (not only the CBD cannabis, that is to say its legal version)?Well, that is […]

Here are the 5 best herbs according to Justbob customers

Modified on: 23/11/2023

Discover the 5 most popular CBD weed strains by Justbob customersThe current landscape of CBD cannabis strains for sale around the world is vast.Each genetics has its own character. This emerges from both the point of view of appearance and aromas and from the effects and quantity of CBD.There are very colorful and aromatic marijuana […]

Why is it important to recognize trichomes when they are ripe?

Modified on: 12/09/2023

Ripe trichomes are equivalent to a quality crop: here’s how to identify the right ripening of trichomes and why it is importantIn the world of legal hemp, in order to obtain quality crops from which to obtain CBD oil, hashish and fragrant inflorescences, it is important to be able to exactly identify the right time […]

Here are the main clarifications on amber trichomes

Modified on: 11/09/2023

Clarifications on hemp amber trichomes: what do they indicate? What to do if they do not appear? Here are the main clarificationsIn CBD cannabis plants, trichomes have a fundamental role: they are responsible for the production of the resin, in which cannabinoids are contained (such as CBD) and based on their appearance they give very […]