What’s the difference between Indoor, Greenhouse and Glasshouse marijuana cultures?

Modified on: 07/11/2023

The three terms indicate all types of cannabis cultures, that differ one with the other mainly for the source of the light and dimension of the space for the crop.

Actually, another one can be added to the above mentioned methods, actually the most old one: the traditional outdoor culture. JustBob decided not to buy buds coming from these type of crop because outdoor cutivated plants grow charmless flowers and furthermore during its short life the plant can only has one cycle of blooming, since this type of culture is obviously season and climate dependant. Finally, the exposition to any sort of external agent can cause the making of moulds and fungus.


As the name suggests, these plants are cultivated indoor, in a space specially dedicated to it. The main advantage of this method is that it is possible to control and regulate the environment, as to create the ideal habitat for the plant to grow. As a matter of fact, light, humidity and temperature are artificially adjusted.

The CBD flowers growing in these conditions are the most beautiful, but to a high cost: the energy required for an indoor production is consistent and not everybody can afford the expenses. Growers also have to make sure that the plant can fit in the space available. As a matter of fact, usually there’s not enough room for certain strain to be cultivated indoor, since some species can reach considerlable height and wideness.


Greenhouse culture uses natural light to grow cannabis crops, while temperature and humidity are controlled artificially. Depending in part on the presence of sun, with this culture it is possible to exploit the plant for 2-3 cycles of blooming, but generally not more than that.


In a glasshouse culture, the crop is contained in a greenhouse made of glass. It differs from the latter because the glasshouse method uses both natural and artificial light, so it’s the perfect setting to produce CBD flowers throughout the year. It is possible to say that this method is halfway between the indoor and the greenhouse cultures. It has more space than the indoor and artificial light as an addition to the greenhouse.